New homeowners and retirees alike win with income properties

Residential investments have produced great returns across Canada, decade after decade. Here are the top five reasons why Canadians are purchasing investment properties now:

1. Return on investment

Even carefully built stock portfolios are often outperformed by home equity. A principal residence is a great place to start, but rent from income properties can cover costs, with the value of the equity you build increasing over time.

2. A pension plan for the future

Many Canadians need to be proactive about creating their own sources of retirement income, and investment properties with steady monthly rental income can be a great hedge against retirement.

3. A better alternative to student residence

Putting your children and their friends in an investment property when they go off to school can strengthen budding organizational skills as well as pay the mortgage and maintenance expenses while you build equity.

4. Earlier access to a first home

Rental income from a duplex or triplex can help offset the cost of a mortgage as new homeowners find their financial feet.

5. A chance to improve a diamond-in-the-rough

Home owners who have developed some home improvement skills use their time and talents to dramatically increase the value of a second home.

There's no question that investment properties are a solid investment, but you need to know the ins and outs. In April, 2010 for example, new rules for investment property mortgages came into effect. These include a higher minimum down payment and a different treatment for rental income in debt service calculations.

Sound confusing? It absolutely is. Whether you need an investment property mortgage or you're just looking for some advice, a mortgage planner is ready to help. There's no cost or obligation, and we're up to date on rates and opportunities within the marketplace.

When the time is right, consult the experts!

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